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Hello all! Yes, we did end up in  NY for Christmas! YAY! We left on Monday morning and made it up to Erie, PA then the snow got really bad. So bad that we almost turned back to go home. But we decided to push through after we called a couple of family members to get the weather report.  

We got about 2 or 3 miles from Erie, and the “check engine” light and a ” wrench” sign popped up on the truck dashboard. 😦 Our truck is a Ford and the only Ford place around was back in Erie.  We ended up spending the night in a hotel there. Turns out that a cap had popped off of the air filter and it was making the truck’s computer go crazy. So everything was basically a fluke. The man at the Ford place told my father that he would have felt completely comfortable driving it across the country.

God is good. After Dad came back with the truck, we once again set out for our destination, at which we arrived in a couple of hours later. I’m so glad we went, even after the hassle of getting there.  It was really nice to see our family. Christmas Eve and day went very well. I hope yours did too!

We stayed with Uncle Mike, Aunt Patty (one of my dad’s sisters), Rick and Joe. It was such a nice stay with them. Jeremiah had a blast playing with so many extra people and someone always seemed to be holding Matthew. John and I liked catching up with our cousins and talking about the best places for duck hunting and such 🙂 . I can’t wait to see what next year will be like.

Here are a few pictures from our week. I didn’t end up taking near as many as I would have liked. I think Dad took a few though and I will post those hopefully by tomorrow.


Uncle Matt with his namesake, Matthew


Uncle Matt, April, and Matthew


Our cousin, Rick, and Jeremiah



John and our cousin, Luke.



Crazy John


Princess Elizabeth 🙂


Jeremiah in the highchair that was originally Mom’s.




Playing with Uncle Mike


John and Me (I’m the cute one 🙂 ) 

The Plan is still on! Sorta.

YAY! So the plan is that we are hopefully still going up to NY, but just later than planned. Two days later. But I don’t really care! I’m just glad that we may still be able to spend Christmas with our family. It does mean however that Rebekah and I won’t get the chance to see eachother.

42-20135452Instead of celebrating with just the five six of us today like we were going to ,  we will now be celebrating tomorrow. Mom and I were up until 12:30am yesterday trying to get all of our presents wrapped. I think everything did, except the stocking gifts. 

Today I am going to be making sugar cookies for our new neighbors that just moved in yesterday. And we will also be giving some to our other neighbors and I’M SURE we will be keeping some for ourselves 🙂 .

Loooong Picture Post




Haney’s Appledale Farm















Duckback Autumn Breeze (Breeze)





(He didn’t feel like watching the news like the rest of us 🙂 )




I’ve been tagged!

I’ve been tagged by Alli to write six random facts about myself!

The rules are:

-Link to the person who tagged you.
-Post the rules on your blog.
-Write Six Random Things about yourself.
-Tag six-or-so other people at the bottom of the post.
-Leave comments on their blogs, letting them know they’ve been tagged!
-Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve written the post.

Here I go!

1. I love being outside, especially in Autumn.

2. I absolutely hate to touch cold wet dirty dishes in the sink.

It gives me the chills to touch them, although I am very thankful we have dishes to eat off of. 🙂

3. I enjoy giving myself French Manicures

4. I like to hunt

Even though I haven’t gone in a long time.

5. I have been to India twice

6. I’m saving my first kiss for my wedding day.

Now I tag…






Am I Cute or What?

It’s Out!! FIREPROOF – The Movie


Yesterday afternoon John and I went to the theaters to see the movie “FIREPROOF“. We chose it to be our movie of the year! It was wonderful! Not to mention that I had a very nice time with my brother 🙂 .

Busy Days

The past few days have been pretty busy. Papa came in on Wednesday, Thursday Amma and I went to the store and were there for over two hours and coming out with 2 carts full of stuff 🙂 , Friday Amma and I went to our local antique mall, and today we all went to Haney’s Apple Orchard to get some apples and things. We also went out to eat and then we took Papa and Amma to GRN’s office to show them that and on the way home we took them down to one of the boat docks that is near our house to show them Lake Cumberland. It has been a nice day, but now I’m ready for a nap!

Even better than pics…A video!

*Here is a video of our family’s new little miracle and our friends!

(*we do not recommend the use of YouTube)

It’s A Boy!

Special Announcement!! Matthew Stephen was born today at 12:14pm, weighing in at 7lb. 2.5oz. and measuring 20 inches long! He is healthy and strong and Mom is doing okay but having a hard time recovering from the anesthesia. I think that she will be doing much better tomorrow. Matthew was born much later than planned because there were one or two emergency c-sections that needed to be done before mom so she kept getting bumped up.  Thank you so much for keeping our family in your thoughts and prayers as we have excitingly started this new season of our lives. God bless!

*I will try to get pictures up tomorrow!!!!

Alabaster Heart

I have had the honor and privilege to be featured on Kaysie’s blog as an Alabaster Heart! Click here to check out this post and Kaysie’s blog, Alabaster Box.

Let’s Party!!

   Today Dad, Mom, Jeremiah and I (John is in NY visiting a friend) are going to Georgetown, KY to crash the birthday party of all four children of our very good friends, Anthony & Krystal Owens. Krystal actually used to live with us when I was around six years old, and she is like a daughter to my parents and a sister to my brothers and I. Her children even call my parents Pappa Tom & GramZ 🙂 .  We will be spending the night with these special people and then tomorrow we will be visiting our old church in Georgetown, Grace Christian Center. Oh, did I mention that we lived in Georgetown for almost 8 out of the 13 years that we have lived in KY?  Anyway, I am very excited to have the chance to see some of our old friends again.

Have a very blessed weekend!!

Happy Birthday to Emma Rose, Erin, Harrison and Anderson! We love you!!!

Jeremiah Walking!!!

Jeremiah stood up all by himself and took six steps in a row yesterday!!! Praise God!!!